
Tracey Gjertsen is an experienced Musculoskeletal and Women’s Health Physiotherapist based in Lincolnshire. Having worked in Sport and Fitness for many years, Tracey believes in supporting women to stay active and strong throughout every phase of life.

Tracey graduated from Sheffield Hallam University with a First Class Honours Degree in Physiotherapy and has undertaken research and postgraduate studies in Pelvic Health. She is Chartered and State Registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is a member of the Pelvic and Obstetrics Gynaecological Physiotherapy group and the British Menopause Society.

She has special interests in Menopause Management and Post-Natal Recovery and delivers The Mummy MOT at the Lincoln Pilates Studio. Tracey incorporates her skills as a Clinical Pilates teacher and Hypopressive (LPF) trainer to help women along their very individual path to recovery and fitness.

“ I contacted the Tracey initially several years ago in my first pregnancy as I had a diastasis recti which completely healed with Tracey’s help. I got in touch with her again following my second birth as I was left with a prolapse due to my 2 pregnancies and deliveries. 

Tracey has made such a difference to my life after working with this. I was previously under the impression that nothing but surgery could help, however all the techniques she has taught me have made a huge difference to the severity of the prolapse to the point that it no longer has a significant impact. 

I was really impressed at the thorough, professional assessment and treatment I received which included actual measurements and specific feedback on my recovery and improvement. 

I would highly recommend getting in touch with her if you have a similar problem.”

Kate – now starting to run again

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